Petz on Mac

With a few beginner-friendly steps, it's very easy to get Petz running on your Mac.

Previously, there was a somewhat complicated process for installing and configuring Wine to run Petz on a Mac. With M1 Macs (starting Nov 2020), Wine can no longer be installed due to a chip architecture change for new Apple machines (ARM vs Intel). Luckily there is method that should work for both Intel and M1 Macs without having to worry about Wine, installing homebrew, or emulating Windows with Parallels.

Porting Kit! Porting Kit uses Wine, but doesn't require the end user to do any special installation process AND it has M1 Mac support out of the box. Even better-- it's free to use!

Follow the instructions below to get Petz running on your Mac.

  • Install Petz 4 for Mac
  • Install LNZ Pro for Mac (comming soon!)
  • Install Pet Workshop for Mac (comming soon!)
  • Install GenePoolz for Mac (comming soon!)